How to build your blogging website using hugo

· 245 words · 2 minute read

My website is built with Hugo and Vercel. This blog walks through my process of creating my blog website

create a website with hugo 🔗

  1. install hugo Enter hugo official website, install hugo, In addition, your computer should also have git installed。 If you installed hugo suceessfully, you can check your hugo version using the command line in git
hugo version
  1. create a hugo site run the following command
hugo new site quickstart
cd quickstart
git init

I want to through git to add my favorite theme, but failed. So I add the hugo theme through the zip archive.


I unzip the compressed package to the themes directory.and you can see this


It will be much more convenient if you can pull the theme through git. go to the hugo.toml configuration file and modify your theme my hugo.toml like this:

baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'Fin blog'
theme = 'hugo-theme-mini-master'

hasCJKLanguage = true
paginate = 3
googleAnalytics = "your-google-analytics-id"
disqusShortname = "your-disqus-shortname"

posts = "/posts/:title/"

guessSyntax = true
style = "emacs"

endLevel = 3
ordered = false
startLevel = 2

unsafe = true

enableDisqus = true  
disqusShortname = "farhome"  

and run command line:

hugo server

the website should be running

If you want to package the website into a static resource file and deploy it to vercel,run this


For the specific deployment of the hugo website, there will be detailed tutorials on the vercel official website.